Traffic Jam

  • Traffic Jam - Marching Show Concepts

Traffic Jam



Music Files Below (left click to listen, right click to download)

1.  Traffic Jam
2.  Traffic Jam (No Effects)

“Traffic Jam” is filled with varied tempos that reflect the starts and stops of traffic. The show travels through the stages of a commute, complete with police whistles, a pile up and finally hitting the open road. Chad Gay is known for including musical and visual humor in his compositions and “Traffic Jam” is packed with opportunities. Some suggested props are rearview mirrors on the bass drums, coffee cups, road maps, GPS systems, and seat belts. Your performers should also incorporate appropriate body visuals and facial expressions (the frustration of being stuck behind slow moving traffic to the joy of hitting the open road). You could also give each one of your performers a different character to portray throughout the show that visually reflects one of the many types of drivers we encounter each day. Get your audience revved up with “Traffic Jam”.