The Samurai and the Maiden

  • The Samurai and the Maiden - Marching Show Concepts

The Samurai and the Maiden



Music Files Below (Left click to listen, right click to download)

Movement 1 Prologue/The Warrior's Path

Movement 2 Under the Cherry Blossoms

Movement 3 The Duel/Epilogue

The Samurai and the Maiden

Composed By

Randall D. Standridge

This dramatic show tells the tale of a doomed romance between a Samurai Warrior and a noble maiden. Prologue/The Warrior’s Path sets the stage for an exciting show, while Under the Cherry Blossoms shows the budding romance of our protagonists. The Duel/Epilogue explodes with a Taiko drum style percussion feature before the show reaches its shattering conclusion. Stirring!