The Prophecy - A Class - 6 to 5

  • The Prophecy - A Class - 6 to 5

The Prophecy - A Class - 6 to 5



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The Prophecy

The Mayan calendar dates back to the 5th century BC.  In the Long Count Calendar, the last cycle ended on December 21, 2012.   Although this simply meant the end of the calendar cycle, many interpreted this as the end of the world.  Everybody remembers the hysteria leading up to that date, and the relief when the date passed, but what if the predictions were true?  What if this was truly the end?  

Follow the story of a small New York town as they experience this very catastrophy.  It begins as a normal day, but as the day progresses, many strange anomalies occur: Tremors, animals behaving strangely, and odd weather patterns plague this small town.  These events culminate in a destruction sequence which features dubstep electronic music accompanying the battery percussion.  As each battery section is featured, buildings crumble to the ground.  Is there any hope this small and humble town?  Can they rebuild from the devastation?  Captivate the audience as they experience the destructive power of The Prophecy.


Total Performance Time:  4:18
Tempo Range (in BPM): 132, 144, 164