One - Open Class - 6 to 5

  • One - Open Class - 6 to 5

One - Open Class - 6 to 5



Music Files Below (left click to listen, right click to download)

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One is a motif based show that squeezes all the ideas out of the concept of "one". The show begins with a solo tenor performer who ends his performance with a spock roll while standing on one leg. The show goes on to feature one handed split section features in the battery, with the front ensemble doing the same thing. The middle portion includes a virtuosic marimba solo performed in the middle of the floor which transitions into battery sections playing with different brush implements to showcase individuality. The show closes with a bottom bass drum groove that adds in to a full ensemble finish, which showcases that individuals can make difference, but together we can change the world. The show utilizes Kanye West's "Only One" as source material (additional licensing required).

Total Performance Time: 4:52