Music Files Below (Left click to listen, right click to download)
Composer: Tim Hinton, Michael Skellett
Total Time: 8:06
(Originally commissioned by the Northwestern H.S. Band, Rock Hill, SC, Larry Wells, Director)
An innovative approach to “Pictures At An Exhibition!” Clever voice-overs throughout have artistic arguing over colors, from light-hearted “I’ll Paint It Yellow” (Ballet of Chicks) to fiery “I’ll Paint It Red” (Baba Yaga) to sultry “I’ll Paint it Blue” (Old Castle as a tango!) leading to the rock n’ roll of “I’ll Paint It Black!” The much-loved “True Colors” ties all of this together, bring an interesting colors concept to live with sophisticated classical and pop music. A custom marching band arrangement that will make your group stand apart and help you have your best season ever!
NOTE: The music in this show requires Copyright Permission to perform. The band program is responsible for securing the rights and paying all fees associated with them.