Valhalla - Indoor Winds - 6 to 5

  • Valhalla - Indoor Winds - 6 to 5

Valhalla - Indoor Winds - 6 to 5



Music Files Below (left click to listen, right click to download)


A note about copyright:

Led Zeppelin allows their music to be arranged for marching bands via a "gratis license" which means that there is NO FEE to arrange their music.  It may still be necessary to register the songs to obtain a license certificate for your competitive circuit.  This can be done by registering the songs via or directly with the publisher.  A list of songs included in this show can be found below.


"Valhalla" is the mythical majestic hall in Asgard where warriors who die in combat go to feast with the norse god Odin. This exhilarating indoor winds show is meant to showcase the path of these warriors from the Battlefield to being honored forever amongst the gods!

The show references traditional Viking Songs as well as various hits by Led Zeppelin to tell the story. The following Led Zeppelin Songs are utilized throughout the show: 


Dazed and Confused


Ten Years Gone

Stairway to Heaven

Total Performance Time: 5:00 (Not including pre-show material)