3 ways marching band prepares you for the real world


If you're currently playing in a high school or even a college marching band, you don't know it yet, but the experience is preparing you for "the real world." Some of these skills may feel specific, though, so we've outlined just some of the ways that marching band skills translate throughout your career and life:

Your unwavering focus and multitasking
As a marching band musician, you have to concentrate on a few important elements at once: your playing, fellow bandmates and choreography. That kind of focus will not go wasted when you enter the workforce. While many of your colleagues might struggle to concentrate on the work in front of them, you already know very well how to make each minute count without letting anything distract you from the task at hand. That also comes from your ability to multitask – not only do you have razor focus, but you're also able to complete a few different jobs at once.

A person using a laptop, phone and tablet at the same time.Multitasking is no problem for a marching band vet.

Your ability to come back from mistakes
"The show must go on" isn't a saying only limited to theater productions. It also rings true for marching band. If you miss a step or a note in a performance, there is no stopping to try again. You have to keep moving forward, and remember not to make the same error again. In the workforce, knowing how to learn from your mistakes instead of letting them stop you or slow you down is an extremely valuable skill to have.

Your skills as a team player
Marching band teaches you the importance of working well with others. As a group effort, you learn how to listen and blend in with others around you. You also know how much your hard work and sharp skills matter to help a larger cause – a concept that can get lost on many modern workers. You know a marching band is only as good as its weakest player, so you will go onto to treat your future job in the same manner.

For more tips and techniques as well as stunning custom designed or complete field shows, contact Marching Show Concepts.

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