Music Files Below (left click to listen, right click to download)
Infectious melodies and rhythms drive deep into the core of your audience-“Virus” will take over the competition. The premise of “Virus” is based on a laboratory that has an outbreak of a deadly virus (portrayed by the battery). Pandemonium ensues until the “anti-virus” saves the day. This show is open to alternate interpretations. You can use a solid color floor or create a floor with the look of acid eating away. Costumes could be a “creature” look for the battery and lab coats for the pit or create an eerie look based on a virus attacking the human body. If desired, you can use an anti virus dancer. 7 extra actors are needed for the MSC drill storyline of this show. Props could create a lab setting or a virus ravaged set. “Virus” has all the markings of a winner!