Jetsons Visit the Planets, The (Grade 4)

  • Jetsons Visit the Planets, The (Grade 4) - Marching Show Concepts

Jetsons Visit the Planets, The (Grade 4)



Music Files Below (Left click to listen, right click to download)

1.  Jetsons Visit the Planets
2.  Apollo 13
3.  Star Trek:  Into Darkness

Composer:  Tim Hinton, Jeffrey Garza
Total Time:  7:29

(Commissioned by the Sulphur Springs HS Band, Sulphur Springs, TX, Charlie McCauley, Director)

A brand new show that I’m really proud of. Hearing that judges laugh and chuckle when they hear music from “The Planets” superimposed inside “The Jetsons” is a wonderful compliment, and exactly the point. Not your everyday Space production! And the Star Trek closer has an amazing energy and coolness that your students and audience will love. Set your group apart with this custom marching band arrangement.

NOTE: The music in this show requires Copyright Permission to perform. The band program is responsible for securing the rights and paying all fees associated with them.