If you don't maintain your equipment, it could cost your program a lot of money. The last thing you want is for a couple of snare drums or multi-toms to break before a big performance. Suddenly you'll find yourself spending top dollar for equipment that may have dropped in price during the off-season.
Each percussion instrument should be cared for differently, yet there are still some overarching maintenance concepts that apply to every instrument.
1. Play instruments with proper technique
Sometimes rookie musicians or performers who have developed bad habits play an instrument the wrong way. You can't forcefully bang on marimba bars with mallets designed for another instrument. If you do this, the marimba bars will develop cracks and scratches which will cause it to produce a distorted sound. The same goes for drums. Ensure drummers are hitting them in the correct location or they could warp.
2. Use covers
If you see an unused percussion instrument not in a cover, there's a strong chance it could get damaged or already has been damaged. Before allowing band members to use this instrument, it should be well protected to ensure it's not defective. You don't want a musician playing a bass drum, only to find out that it has a slight hole in it right before an event.
If you would like more tips on how to keep your instruments well maintained, or are looking for accessories and band preparation ideas, call Marching Show Concepts today!